Apprenticeships, Internships,
and Mentoring
One of the most significant initiatives that Christ the King Worldwide Service Network is promoting is the idea of providing professional training for our Catholic youth by way of apprenticeships, internships and mentoring.
We know all too well the pitfalls of sending your children off to colleges, taught by people you most likely don't know, who have been imbued with the anti-God beliefs of the world. This is no idle accusation, as the teacher programs in universities and colleges across our nation have, for decades, been a Trojan Horse in our country, cultivating leftist and atheist ideologies in the minds of those who have been and will be teaching our children.
At Christ the King Worldwide Service Network, it is our firm conviction that many, if not most, of our children who are not called to the priesthood or religious life ought never to enter a college or university, but should instead learn a profession or trade that will allow them to provide well for families, raising up children for the greater glory of God. Our promise to you is that your children will be apprenticed with, or mentored by, Catholics of impeccable reputation; you will never have to worry about your youth being indoctrinated with ideas that conflict with Catholic teachings. Our rapidly growing network of traditional Catholic tradesmen and professionals and our apprenticeship and mentoring programs will help us to genuinely hasten the Social Reign of Christ, as we aim to make a positive impact in the lives of our members and in society as a whole.
If you are seeking an appropriate apprenticeship or mentoring situation, please be patient as we add more masters and mentors in the early months of 2025. For now, please take a look at the modest beginnings of what we can offer as of Advent of 2024, and don't hesitate to contact those who have offered their services.
If you are a professional, a businessman, a tradesman, who feels he is being called by God to help build up the Social Reign of Christ the King by offering your services to young Catholics as a master in a skilled apprenticeship program, or as a mentor to help our youth to gain certification for a professional licensing of any sort, please contact us at: